CVPR2018-Learning to Adapt Structured Output Space for Semantic Segmentation

CVPR2018 adaptsegnet.PNG


As the labeling process is tedious and labor intensive, developing algorithms that can adapt source ground truth labels to the target domain is of great interest. In this paper, we propose an adversarial learning method for domain adaptation in the context of semantic segmentation.
Considering semantic segmentations as structured outputs that contain spatial similarities between the source and target domains, we adopt adversarial learning in the output space. To further enhance the adapted model, we construct a multi-level adversarial network to effectively perform output space domain adaptation at different feature levels.

对于自动驾驶中语义分割任务, 由于标记过程繁琐且费力,因此提出了一种在语义分割的上下文中进行领域自适应的对抗学习方法来用GTA5数据(自带标注,源域)训练,并将真实世界(标注很少,目标域)特征对齐到源域特征,从而不用在真实世界标注大量数据。


where z = 0 if the sample is drawn from the target domain,and z = 1 for the sample from the source domain.

第一个损失 训练一个discriminator区分分割语义图是来自目标域还是源域


来自源域 z=1,那么第二项-logD(p)1越小logD(p)1越大D(p)1越大-D能区分出来自源域的分割图


for images in the target domain, we forward them to G and obtain the prediction Pt = G(It). To make the distribution of Pt closer to Ps, we use an adversarial loss Ladv in (1) as:

源域 z=1,那么-logD(Pt)1越小logD(Pt)1越大D(Pt)1越大 DG(目标域图It)生成的Pt“欺骗”了,将实际上来自目标域的分割图被判定为来自源域的分割图。

This loss is designed to train the segmentation network and fool the discriminator by maximizing the probability of the target prediction being considered as the source prediction.


文章作者: Leopold
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